Monday, June 10, 2013

Eastward Bound


 Overnight at  John Day Dam.
Mt Hood in the background.
Columbia River on the right. The wind howled but the weather was grand.

 The water is flowing through John Day Dam. Several new  platforms have been constructed since our last overnight here.  Interesting to watch the Native Americans net fish.

Farewell Bend State Park on the Snake River. Just north/west of Ontario Oregon off I-84. Thankfully we have hook-ups. It is very very hot here. As usual on the snake in the summer.

 Road trip to the historic town of Huntington. Oregon Trail route and site of  the 1860 Ornum Massacre.
Below is a link for more information. Copy and paste in your browser window.

 May I recommend Howells in Huntington for Sunday Morning Breakfast.Very generous portions and  quite tasty.

Huntington Oregon Trail Cemetery. Imagine  life in the early to mid 1800's. Traveling thousands of miles in a rickity wagon pulled by oxen. Cooking meals on an open  campfire fueled with buffalo chips. .Sleeping under the stars with all those critters. And walking hundreds of miles in those long dresses
What on earth do we have to complain about.