Sunday, January 18, 2009

Fish Fry Pot Luck

The El Coyote Boys went fishing. Thank you boys for the great fish feed.
From Left to Right. Re-Bob, Gary, Canada Bob and Bob. Below is a picture of our Fish Fry. Janell provided the pictures below. What a feed. Norm and I are always amazed at the extravagant cuisine that is assembled by a group of folks on a beach with no running water and no electricity.
No need to worry about storing left-overs with this group.


  1. Do you eat like this every day? ;-)

    Patty's sister

  2. Sorry we missed the fishfry. We were on our way back to Vancouver . We arrived last night ,Jan 19th to 32 F and snow STILL on the ground. We miss the warmth of both the great people and the beach! At least we do not need to borrow Canada Bob's shower! All the best to you lucky snowbirds. Jim & Janice.
