Friday, February 27, 2009

Thank you Robin and Margarite

Robin and Margarite have donated one of their rental homes in Mulege to Gary and Janell for a month. This will aid in Gary's recovery following his hip surgery. What a blessing to have friends who are so generous.

Gary has been sitting up daily. Every day someone from the beach goes into Mulege to assist Janell in helping Gary sit up and dangle his legs over the bed as well as put weight on his un-injured leg. He sits for about 8-10 minutes and exercised his un-injured leg.

Gary is improving daily and seems to be in good spirits.
The Trapeze that the boys from the beach have installed has aided Gary considerably in moving about on the bed and building his strength.

I will keep Gary's progress updated on the blog as requested by Chris.
Good idea Chris!

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