Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Trawling for Shrimp in Conception Bay

Three Shrimping boats just off the bay in Mulege. These boats go out daily to bring in jumbo, tasty prawns for the local retailers and restaurants. lucky beach dwellers.

Apparently the large wood planks out to the side are lowered into the water to drag on the bottom of the ocean disrupting the shrimp beds. The shrimp is then caught in the nets that drag behind the wood. The whole net is brought up to the boat deck and what ever is in the net is deposited on the boat. Birds, turtles, fish etc.

One kilo of shrimp sells to us on the beach for about 150 to 180 pesos. One kilo is 2.2 pounds. The peso exchange is about 14 pesos to 1 dollar.

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