Sunday, March 15, 2009

Have Tent will Travel

This is actually Gary and Janell's tent. They brought it down to use when they had family visit this year for two weeks. Steve then borrowed it to house his father and a friend for a week long visit. Now Re-Bob and Jackie are moving it to their piece of real estate to accommodate their boys while visiting. I am not sure where it goes next. Probably to Idaho with Janell and Gary.
From left to right. Steve, Sharon, Forrest, Jackie and Re-Bob.


  1. We are finely home in the frozen north! Kinda wish we could be using that tent!! Miss you all (it was a great winter)...Glenna and Wayne

  2. Wish to be back at Coyotes (nice and hot)!!!! Here in Calgary is freezing cold. Can't wait until next year!!! Miss you all. Say hello to everybody...Barbara and Zibi

  3. Wish we could have been down with you but we finally got Paul's heart fixed. We'll be in Las Vegas till April 30. Any chance you will be coming this way and we can see you two?
    With love from Paul and Karen
