Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Random Photos from our BC Trip

This is a part of the "view out the door series". Can't beat this view from the outhouse.
Norm and I at Whistler. We rode the gondola up to the top. Great day for sight seeing. I found these cool sunglasses while shopping at the top of Whistler. Aren't they fun?
This is the "view out our door" at the Nairn Falls Campground just South of Pemberton and North of Whistler.
Fishing in Bella Coola. We had a ball.
Here is a 1000 year old Cedar tree. Apparently Canada didn't cut all their Cedar down.


  1. I am totally stealing your "out our back door"... love these photos! Did you catch anything? in Bella Coola?

  2. we caught 3 Chum and 4 pinks. They were huge fish and what fun to catch. they fight like crazy. We had several more on the line and lost them. But the whole process of catching them was a kick.

    My next photos will be the process of learning how to smoke fish. Stay tuned.Dysfunction6
