Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Out and About the Bay of Conception

View from our hike up to the top of the zig-zag . Top right corner is the beach we are staying on.
Pam is allowing me to learn to row in her boat. This boat also has a motor if wanted or a sail if the wind is up. I knew I would like rowing. Once I am able to coordinate my brain and both arms at the same time I may actually be able to travel some distance. The oars are wood and extremely heavy. That will take some extra muscle building.
Norm and I out and about in the kayaks. We stopped at Escondido beach to evaluate the palapas.
Nick rowing in after a sail. Seems the sail is in need of repair. No worries. The world famous NOLS Outdoor Sailing School is just down the beach. Need a new sail. They will make one.

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