Thursday, January 20, 2011

Territorial Dispute?

Senior Seagull South discussing territorial beach boundary's with Senior Seagull North.
Apparently the discussions did not go well. Tossing sea weed and expanding the wings as a show of power and size was necessary. This dispute goes on daily. At least twice a day, every day. Some times they have to resort to physical altercations to defend their property. We have witnessed these physical altercations. Senior Seagull North may stand on Senior Seagull South's neck holding his head under the water attempting to drown him. All this to try to expand their beach acreage Too funny.

1 comment:

  1. I guess that's just another indication of how important it is to claim a little piece of the beach for yourself before it's impossible. When more seagulls move in and then those black crow gangs land, it make life hard for an ol' gull.

    God Bless you.
