Saturday, February 19, 2011

Group Kayak Paddle to Playa Requeson

 The group has arrived at Playa Requeson. 8 miles and unbelievably flat seas for this Friday morning paddle. We had rides meet us at Requeson. They loaded up the kayaks and shuttled us back to Coyote
 More of the group paddling. Steve, Nan and Steve, Debbie, Al, Norm, Pedro and myself. What fun we had.
 Norm and Al just cruising along.
 The group heading out to Playa Requeson. There were 8 of us and we had a ball.
Pedro serenading us with his Conch Shell. He kept us entertained with the shell and his flute during our water trek. The sound from the Conch Shell echoed off the mountains to the west and then bounced off to the mountains to the east. Three different echos. Pretty amazing.

Nick and Pam elected to paddle  our boats back from Playa Requeson to Playa Coyote via the water route. Here they are arriving on Playa Coyote

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