Thursday, February 10, 2011

OH, Did I Mention We Named the Goat "Scape"

 Kim preparing the fire for hot coals that will cook the goat. Kim is securing the goat to the metal spit that he and Jim had welded together specifically to hold the goat. Two fires. One for hot coals under the goat. The second fire is to continue making hot coals. It will take most of the day for the goat to cook.
 Here is the goat stuffed with fruits and vegetables. The object stuck on the spit to the left is the head.  Next step will be to wire the cavity shut. Seems nobody wanted the head for goats head soup.
 Ahhh! 8:10 am and the goat has been stuffed,seasoned, wired shut and  placed over the coals to begin the cooking process. What fun this process was for all of us. Of course Kim had to spend the day stoking the fire while we all went out boating.
TA DA!!! 6 hours later. Lots of wood and several basting's. Done to perfection.
Cutting this beast into portion size bits is a tedious and slow process. Linda can't be bothered to wait. She is just jumping right in for a bite. We had a huge turnout with lots of pot luck dishes. Thank you Kim and Linda for this special treat.

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