Monday, March 12, 2012

Cool Baja Bird Pictures

 Not sure what this guy is but this is his "Ready for take-off" pose.
 Yellow Crown Night Heron. He did not move and I was very close to him. Maybe he thought if he did not move, I did not see him.
 Osprey couple taking a break from tending their young. Must be exhausting. Constant feeding.
 Vermillion Bug Catcher. He darts about snapping up flying bugs.
This is too cool. I took a picture of Norm, Chris and I reflecting in the back side of the mirror on the motor home. We are standing in front of the RV with the hills and water in the back ground. See how the rounded  back of the mirror has distorted the landscape. COOL!


  1. Really great pictures. I am REALLY impressed with how clean you keep the back of your mirror!!!

  2. Hey you two...I was getting a little worried about you and wondering if you were headed back home already. Loved the boid pix and glad to hear from you!
