Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Mulege at a Glance

 Lunch with Canada Bob at Mago's and Robin's Internet/Pastry/Restaurant/Massage/Realtor Business. It can all be found here folks.
 Laundry day in Mulege. Cold water wash only. Then out to the beach to line dry in the sun and wind. Norm taking this opportunity to catch up with family in the States.
 Here are some interesting dust pans. . These are 5 gallon metal buckets that have been cut at a diagonal  with the sharp edges turned under and a piece of  wood nailed on as a handle. VUWALLA!!!  Recycled Industrial strength dust pan for only 48 pesos each.
 Art and Crafts in Mulege. This bench seat was made by a gringo women who has lived here in Mulege for several years. In-laid colored glass in cement. It is amazingly beautiful.
 Here is one of my favorite fruits here in Mulege. This papaya fruit is native to Southern Mexico and Central America. It is an orange color inside with many small round seeds and has an earthy sweet flavor. I have included a link to a web site for further information.
Shrimp Tacos at Yee's. This little eating establishment may not look like much but the tacos here are the best in the area.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy to see you are back in Baja -- so I can follow your travels and pretend I'm with you!!!

    Happy holidays to you two and any other beach people I might know!
