Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Hiking the Badlands in South Dakota

We are right in the middle of the Badlands. Here is a view from our camp.

Hiking "The Notch" in the Badlands. We traveled through a small canyon to a 20 foot waterfall(dry). Up the waterfall we went. On a ladder.

Top of" The Notch" hike for Norm and I. It was very hot and humid in the Badlands when we visited.

And here I am going down the ladder after hiking up to "The Notch". Pretty brave of me since I have an unreasonable  fear of heights.

These furry fellows are scurrying  all over the place here in The Badlands.  They tumble and run and  jump on top each other. Just having fun and keeping us tourists entertained.


  1. "ATTAGIRLS" coming your way Jerri!

  2. I love your header: AND IN THE END, IT'S NOT THE YEARS IN YOUR LIFE THAT COUNT. IT'S THE LIFE IN YOUR YEARS We are trying to decide if we want to sell the house and go full time in our fifth wheel...your words are ringing in my ears!
