Friday, October 29, 2010

Last Few Days in Moab

 Fiery Furnace in Arches. There is an awesome ranger led hike through these pillars. Next year I plan on taking the hike. They won't let anyone go in alone. Apparently people have gotten lost in there.
 This is about where the Thelma and Louise famous exit over the cliff occurred.The view is awesome here. What view? Oh yes, the priority is  jeep pictures.
 Mountain Range just East of Moab. Norm and I took a drive up there on Thursday. We got to 9300 feet. Oxygen was in short supply up there.
Campground among the Aspin up at 9300 feet in the Mountains pictured above. No one camping today.Brrrr! even though the sun was shining, it was biting cold.

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