Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Taking Advantage of our Public Lands

 Location: Hermans Horsepath.  A little piece of public land for our use at a very reasonable price. Can't beat the neighborhood. Lots of fun people.
 Winter homes for some of the less fortunate folks. Before judgment is passed. Remember many of these folks are veterans who protected our country in times of war.
 Due to the slow economic recovery, folks are making due with what they have. $180.00 for 6 months is very inexpensive living. A couple lives in this abode.
 Pretty tight quarters for 6 months of living. But lots of folks here to help out if the going gets rougher.
 Downsizing, probably  not by choice.
I believe this fellow has made a Chuck Box. The white trailer is arranged with shelving and boxes to organize his winter home. He will sleep in the tent or perhaps his car if it gets too cold.

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