Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Back Roads of BC on our way to Barkerville

I am starting the "What we see out our front door" series. This is Quesnel Lake at a Rec site off a mountain road. Just prior to our destination to the town of Likely. Even though it is early, we could not pass up this great camp site. Blissfully no one around to disturb our solitude.
This is the Bullion Pit Mine. One of the first hydraulic mining claims. Two plus miles of gouging out of the gold with high pressure water .
On our way out of the Bullion Mine road we happened upon a Momma black bear and her cub. This cute little cub climbed a tree for safety. He just could not resist peeking out around the tree to satisfy his curiosity as to what that big yellow blob was coming up the road.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jerri and Norm...Barkerville you will love. Near by the Bowron Lake chain...beautiful..My Parents paddled that chain of lakes on their honeymoon!! My Dad is 102 yrs old so that was awhile ago... It is still a great place. Love the bear. Glenna and Wayne
