Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Coyote Beach-- Day Two

We have a Whale Shark feeding in the bay. He hung around for several hours yesterday. Several of the fellow campers got in the water with it to swim with it. Including Chris and Bessie. What a cool experience. He is about 15 feet long and gentle. Eats algae and plankton. NOT PEOPLE. His mouth is about 3 feet wide. This picture was taken by our friend Paul. I could not get good pictures from my kayak. I was too low in the water. Thank you Paul.

Here is a web site to visit for more info and a better picture.

Norm out on his first Kayak trip of the season. We dropped by Glenna and Wayne's for the morning update.
The water was so calm on Tuesday that the mountain is reflected in the sea. Norm in the background.
Steve and Norm chit chatting . The weather is awesome. The Kayaking is great.

1 comment:

  1. pea green with envy.....god this is beautiful! miss you guys already.
