Thursday, December 16, 2010

Kayaking with the Whale Shark

Kayaking with the Whale Shark. Steve and I are following the Whale Shark to view it's massive size. You can see the fins to the right of us slightly protruding from the water.
This is the Whale Sharks mouth sucking in water to filter for algae and Plankton and various other morsels of nourishment. Norm thinks the sucking action looks like a toilet flushing, the amount of pressure and water being sucked in his/her mouth is massive.
Here we are again. The fin on the left is his tail. The fin on the right (barely visable) is a fin more toward his head area. Our Kayaks are about 14 feet long. This gives you a relative size. His head is a couple of feet right of the right pictured fin.

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