Monday, February 28, 2011

Hot Rock Oven for Cooking Whole Chickens

 11am. We have started the fire to heat the 1-3 inch  rocks that you see surrounding the fire.
 1 pm. The rocks are hot. We have placed the chicken in double wrap foil and have placed it at the back of the fire on gravel.
 1:05 pm. At the top of this photo just above the fire we have covered the chicken wrapped in foil  with the hot rocks. The fire is kept burning in front of the Hot Rock Oven.
 2:30 PM. Thermometer is stuck through the rocks and into the whole chickens buried under the rocks. Temperature is approx. 150 degrees. Almost completed cooking.
Completion of the Group Cooking Fire.  Here is the final stages of cooking in the Hot Rock Oven. We also have added a tripod over the flames to cook Christine and Rainey's Pineapple Ham.  Bessy has added a Dutch Oven to cook her whole chicken in on the left side of the fire. Our Chicken in the Hot Rock Oven is on the right side of the fire in this picture. Baked potatoes in the foreground just in the hot coals.
 Here I am with the asbestos gloves borrowed from Bessy. Ready to remove the Chicken from the Hot Rocks Oven. First I have to move each individual rock.
Ready to eat with contributions from several of our Beach Buds. Christine and Canada Bob cutting up the chicken to share with all in attendance. What fun this Hot Rock Oven experiment turned out to be.


  1. What a great post! You make it look easy...and it helps to have the photos. Definitely something I would like to try.

  2. Donna, it works very well. We cooked a small Chuck Roast under hot stones the week before and it was tender and tasty. Vegetables, Potatoes, they all work well under hot stones. It even browns the meat and potatoes. We are having a great time exploring all the different cooking methods using a camp fire.

  3. Hi there,

    My family and I are friends of Pam and Nick. Thank you so much for your blog!!!! Through you, we've been able to regularly check in on the experience that Pam and Nick have been having. (If we counted on them, they would just be lost to us for five months of the bloody year! LOL)

    We regularly envy the experience that all of you are having on the beach and hope one day to join you; if only for a brief time until that sacred day that we retire.

    The simple life is the best life! May you continue to enjoy your time at El Coyote and ongoing gratitude for your blog. :-)

    Johneen Kelly
