Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sauerkraut Preparation Lesson 101

 Here she is, The Grand Dame of Sauerkraut. Flown in to school us in the art of Polish Sauerkraut. Of course she speaks no English. Fortunately her daughter Teresa can interpret. She wasn't really flown in just to instruct us on Sauerkraut. Probably she flew in to see her daughter  and got roped  into teaching this gaggle of women how to make sauerkraut
 This instruction is on preparing a Polish Red Cabbage dish with red cabbage, onion, apple, sugar and vinegar. Very tasty. We also made a sauerkraut  dish with green cabbage,  bacon, onion, whole tomatoes and sour cream. Also very tasty.
 With guidance from Mom (on the right), Teresa (on the left) is instructing on the art of making sauerkraut. Breaking down the cellulose of the cabbage and releasing the fluids.
 Here we are, chopping and grating and shredding and pressing. What fun to share in the process with good friends.
 Here is the results of the chopping, shredding and grating. The beginning process of sauerkraut.
Here is The Grand Dame of Polish Sauerkraut. She is critiquing the fermenting process. The jar on the left is what my entire head of cabbage  has diminishedd to after several days of fermenting. Bessy's whole head of cabbage is not  quite as old as mine so has not diminished to half it's size yet. We are awaiting the NOD of approval.

1 comment:

  1. I love sauerkraut but not sure I could make it! Nice to have an expert on hand.
