Saturday, July 16, 2011

Portage Valley in Alaska

Portage Glacier from the top of Portage Pass in Portage Valley Alaska. Just a short hike with a steep ascent. But the views are terrific.
Whittier from the top of Portage Pass. Imagine living on a bay surrounded by these majestic sentinels.
Our hike on the Winner Trail in Girdwood. This tiny community has 5 ski lifts and a huge luxurious hotel with all the amenities to accommodate those so inclined to play all winter long.
This is the Hand Tran used to navigate across this rather deep ravine on our hike in Girdwood. All Hand operated. I took my turn at pulling the cage across the ravine and was amazed at how wimpy I have become. Thankfully help intervened. Norm rode across in the cage. I however, am a chicken and have a fear of heights.


  1. Oh boy...I think I would have stayed on the platform too. Beautiful pictures.

  2. Did you eat at the hotel? They have wonderful soup and cinnamon rolls.
