Saturday, July 9, 2011

Touring Denali National Park

Yearling Moose foraging along side the road. Denali has been established as a game refuge. The rules are----do not interfere in any way with these animals in their natural habitat.
Momma Grizzly Bear and her two yearling Baby Grizzly Bears. Munching grass, napping and just enjoying the sunshine.
Mt. Mckinley in Denali National Park. At 20,330, it is the highest peak in North America.

Jerri and Norm on our trip into Denali. One cannot drive beyond 15 miles on the road into Denali. But---for a small fee a tour bus is offered to traverse the road system in Denali. We opted for the public bus for a smaller fee and had a wonderful driver/narrator for the tour. We saw Caribou, Moose, Grizzly, Marmot, Dall Sheep and a Golden Eagle. Plus, lucky for us. The mountain was showing itself. We were told only 25% of the guests to Denali ever get to see the mountain. It is usually shrouded in clouds.

1 comment:

  1. Pipeline, grizzlies and THE MOUNTAIN? It just doesn't get any better does it?! Your experiences are good memories for a lifetime! You are most fortunate Norm and Jerri, and most of all, thank you for sharing them.
